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The Institute for Sacred Architecture | Articles | Nova …

Except the Lord Build the House: Restoring a Sense of Beauty. by Anthony Esolen, appearing in Volume 34. The men who built the cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres did not have diesel engines, or lightweight metals like soft aluminum or firm titanium, or steel girders.

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Foot binding. The general consensus is that the roots of foot binding lie in the Sung dynasty (960-1279 AD), although there are numerous folk lore and legends surrounding its actual origin.

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Professor Trüeb at the Hotel Palácio Tangará, São Paulo, Brazil, for Pantogar International Hair Summit by courtesy of Biolab Pharma Brasil, with Professor Maria Fernanda Gavazzoni from Rio de Janeiro, and with Doctor Leila Bloch, dermatologist and book author of “Fio a Fio” from São Paulo. Books

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Route 66 is the ultimate American road trip and we've put together a comprehensive 2 week Route 66 itinerary to help drivers navigate this historic route. The detailed day-by-day Route 66 itinerary covers all the basic details (mileage, general route) and sightseeing highlights along the 2,400 mile route.

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